• 74 Wild Goose Dr, London, SE14 5LL
  • (+44) 208 058 9221
  • Mon-Fri: 06:00 - 19:00
  • Sat-Sun: 10:00 - 17:00

Health and Safety Policy

Fountainlife hire > Health and Safety Policy

Fountainlife ltd
Ensure health and safety of the private hiredriver and
Overview This POLICY is about ensuring your own health and safety and that of
anypassengers travelling in your vehicle.
This POLICY is made up of three elements:

  1. Recognise hazards and assess risks to health and safety
  2. Prevent or protect yourself and passengers against potential hazards and
  3. Respond to an emergency affecting passengers
    Who this POLICY is for
    This POLICY is for drivers of private hire vehicles.
    PPL 2
    You must be able to:
    You must be able to:
    You must be able to:
    Recognise hazards and assess risks to health and safety
    P1 identify your responsibilities within the regulatory framework designed to
    protect you and passengers against potential hazards and risk
    P2 identify hazards and risks within the work environment that could expose
    a driver and passenger(s) to potential danger
    P3 carry out a risk assessment
    P4 obtain assistance and advice from an appropriate person when the level
    of the risk is not certain
    P5 take action to remove, isolate or remove the risk
    P6 record and communicate details of a particular hazard and risk so that
    contingencies and future plans can be implemented by appropriate
    Prevent or protect yourself and passengers against potential hazards
    and risks
    P7 co-operate with people and policies designed to reduce exposure to
    hazards and potential risk
    P8 follow policies or procedures designed to limit risk to you and the vehicle
    P9 take immediate and effective action where the safety or welfare of the
    passenger is at risk
    P10 take action that is within own personal limits of authority and ability
    P11 report adverse incidents to the appropriate person or body
    Respond to an emergency affecting passengers
    P12 respond to emergency situations that affect the passengers safety
    P12.1 contact the appropriate service for assistance
    P12.2 use appropriate emergency equipment
    PPL 3
    Knowledge and
    You need to know and
    You need to know and
    You need to know and
    Recognise hazards and assess risks to health and safety
    K1 the main Health and Safety frameworks and policies that protect the
    driver, passenger and other road users
    K2 the difference between a hazard and a risk
    K3 hazards a driver may face
    K4 responses to identified hazards to limit risk to self, passengers and other
    road users
    K5 how to undertake a risk assessment to limit the risk to self, passenger(s)
    and other road users
    K6 the ‘duty of care’ a driver has in relation to passengers and other road
    K7 the consequences of not following health and safety rules and
    K8 the types of insurance that a driver requires for indemnifying self or
    customer(s) for harm or loss
    K9 how to minimise physical risks as a result of manual handling,
    movements and postures
    Prevent or protect yourself and passengers against potential hazards
    and risks
    K10 the different roles of the emergency services and personnel who can
    support a driver in the course of their duties
    K11 how to reduce and prevent emotional stress and anger when driving
    K12 how to use appropriate equipment and alarm systems to act as a
    deterrent and limit personal risk to a driver
    K13 the use of conflict management techniques to limit personal risks
    K14 the importance of healthy lifestyle in relation to your duties
    K15 the importance of contingency planning for unforeseen incidents and
    Respond to an emergency affecting passengers
    K16 why it is important to follow the customers’ instructions in an incident or
    emergency involving that customer
    K17 the action to be taken in the event of a vehicle breakdown at the
    K18 the necessity of ensuring the customers’ safety and welfare in the event
    of an incident or emergency
    K19 the importance of providing reassurance to passengers who may be in
    shock, worried, concerned or whose first language is not English
    PPL 4
    K20 the procedures that you can take when confronted
    with a road accidentor other acute emergency